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Блок воздушных холодильников синтез газа I и II ступени. БВХГ.

Аппараты воздушного охлаждения

Блок воздушных холодильников выпускается в соответствии с ГОСТ Р 51364-99.
Блок воздушных холодильников синтез газа БВХГ предназначен для охлаждения газов и парожидкостных сред в технологических процессах химической, нефтехимической, нефтеперерабатывающей, газовой, нефтяной и других отраслях промышленности.
Блок БВХГ состоит из аппаратов воздушного охлаждения и комплектов коллекторной обвязки, которые образуют две ступени холодильников.
Аппарат состоит из трех горизонтально расположенных секций, собранных из оребренных биметаллических труб, обдуваемых потоком воздуха, который нагнетается снизу осевыми вентиляторами с приводами от электродвигателей.

Внешний вид и габаритные размеры блока воздушных холодильников.



БВХГ ступени

БВХГ II ступени

Площадь поверхности теплообмена




Давление рабочее




Количество секций в аппарате




Диаметр колеса вентилятора




Количество колес вентиляторов в аппарате




Мощность электродвигателя




Коэффициент оребрения труб (условный)




Число рядов труб в секции




Число ходов по трубам в секции




Длина труб в секции




Материальное исполнение секции




Тип трубных секций



Примечание: Б1 - сталь 20.
Информация для заказа.
Аппараты могут быть укомплектованы колесами вентиляторов из композитных материалов, а электродвигатели — преобразователями частоты вращения. Использование преобразователей частоты приводит к снижению электропотребления и упрощению конструкции колес вентиляторов за счет исключения установки пневмопривода для автоматического регулирования угла установки лопастей. При этом исключаются затраты на сезонное обслуживание колес вентиляторов.

Также можете посмотреть

Блок аппаратов воздушного охлаждения. БАВГ-МЭА.

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#27 Jose
It has different wonderful options like an in constructed microphone and wireless ( IEEE 802.11, Wi - fi ) which permits the players an interaction within a restricted range of approximately 10 - 30 meters. The Nintendo DS additionally features stereo audio system which, depending on the software program used, offers a digital encompass sound on each sides of the show surface on prime. As well as, such can achieve 30-forty percent value benefit over those utilizing full-LED display panels. It's a staff rising from a slum that has seen combined outcomes over the last decade. However, the final five video games haven't given constructive results. With 5 European cups and eighteen league titles, the Reds have a report to be pleased with. Leicester is on a winning streak, and they're extremely motivated being that they're on prime of the log in the premier league. The top result's that they might get rewarded with higher times and profitable more races, which might increase their confidence. In an era where we have 24/7 entry to cooking exhibits, magazines, and Internet sites, it looks like more and more people are calling themselves "foodies." Foodie was one other time period for a connoisseur of gourmet food, who turned up his nostril at everyday dishes and dined at costly five-star eating places. Similarly a a hundred MHz Pentium is just not 2 but virtually three times quicker than the 50 MHz 486. And a 2 GHz Athlon XP of at the moment is not 20 but more like 30 to 40 instances faster than that one hundred MHz Pentium. rajawin - https://researchwatercoolers.com
#28 Peter
You’ll due to this fact should be patient and have deep pockets as you possibly can find yourself spending heaps of money whereas you’re ready. Most writers are pleased when they are deep in concentration and doing the job by themselves, and this could make them superb candidates for the self beginning character of online studying. However, quickslotting and equipping a polymorph, starting the dance emote, then hitting the quickslot key to unequip the polymorph will lead to your character continuing to dance with the strikes of the polymorph's inherent gender (male for the Skeleton and Cadaverous Assassin polymorphs, feminine for the Draugr polymorph), no matter your character's gender. The /dance emote defaults to the dance of your character's race. Normally, dance emotes like /danceredguard have different strikes based on gender that can't be carried out by characters of the alternative gender. I'm like speaking to her and going "Here's what I've realized", it provides me all these concepts however like it is arduous for me to execute. Online slots jackpot winners - rajasloto https://magalierenehayes.com RAJASLOTO - 6 Methods To Have (A) Extra Interesting Slot Gacor With Highest Rtp Online Slots 2023
#29 Kendra
Conflict and battles might occur, however they aren't important to the vast work of building a society. If the aim of a society is to thrive, it must reward the people who produce essentially the most, in any other case everybody starves to dying. Must be capable to cowl third bet if you want to do. Having said that, in case your bet loses by seven items, you lose seven times the wager. For the reason that Wii is region free, DVD discs of all the areas can be used instantly with out having needed any exterior interface.The Wii can even help MP3 playback through the use of the SD memory cards as an input. So if you’re having points with any of those abilities, consider looking for an online space technique sport that will help you enhance these areas of your life! Therefore, children might face points resolving these mathematical issues at first. What is the follow of drugs, sports query, the answer lies in two facets: 1 bodily sickness, and remedy of diseases and accidents 2. Careful planning and systematic evaluation of the elements which may trigger injury, illness and injury prevention as well as encouraging extra. Because of this reading the previews, monitoring each day developments and participation within the detailed evaluation. And game play generates a dwell efficiency with a bonus: viewers participation is required. You need to know the principles, methods, gamers, coaches, instructors, locations and rather a lot more than any sport where you’re going to play. Sport brand colors are vibrant and eye-catching, so they're simply identifiable and eml? RAJAWIN - https://researchwatercoolers.com
#30 Odessa
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